Archive for June 19th, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I have 2 this week.  I thought about saving one for next week, but I fugured I might as well share because who knows if I’ll remember next week.

Carter came up to me the other day while trying to blow up a balloon.  Shealyn has the “hot air” mastered it takes for balloon blowing, but the other 2 have been diligently working on it this week.  Anyway, Carter came up and said:

C–mom, does my face look white (or so I thought that’s what he asked)

M–No (he’s got quite the little summer tan going)

M–Did you say white?

C–No, I said light.

M–Oh, what do you mean light?

C–you know light.


C–what does light-headed mean?

I’m starting to see where he’s going with this one.

M–what do you think it means?

C–like I would have a headlight on my head

M–(appropriately stifling the giggle) no bud, light headed means when you start to feel kind of dizzy b/c your trying so hard to blow up that balloon.

C–OOOHHHH!  I feel dizzy then, mom.

Just too cute.

Payton has left us with another funny that her daddy even managed to hear firsthand.  The kids have been going to Vacation Bible School this week at a church other than the one we attend regularly.  On Wednesday night we took them to a presentation at the church.  Since I had been the one dropping off and picking up all week, she seemed a little concerned daddy may not know where the church was.  So, this was their conversation.

P–daddy, do you know where the church is b/c you know it’s not our church?

D–I think I can figure it out, P. (It’s only a mile and half up the road)

P–daddy, it’s the one with a “t” on it!

Hee Hee

June 2009